n our present times, there are writings carrying the Name of Alchemy, which are provided by certain sources and presented in a very appealing cover. These writings caused, in many instances, a considerable misuse, as they contained the most absurd theories. Our illuminated Order is seeking to redirect these false doctrines through the publication of this treatise. It is not the intention of our Order to disclose all the Secrets of Alchemy and to throw them under the feet of the great crowds of the curiosity seekers, speculators and sceptics. Instead, it is meant to show the few sincere Seekers of the hidden Wisdom, the right direction, where one must search for the great Elixir. These Seekers will then have a measure, a standard in their possession, to assist them to differentiate between the writings of the true hermetic Adepts and the elaborations of the dreamers and charlatans. Whosoever, of the sincere Seekers and Students of the hermetic sciences is called upon, will without a doubt, sooner or later, be in touch with our illuminated Order and will receive further information and guidance, which are not contained in these writings before you. Modernists did not have faith in the external reality put forth by social institutions, such as the government and religion, and they no longer considered these avenues as trustworthy means to discover the meaning of life. For this reason they turned within themselves to discover the answers. Modernist literature is centered on the psychological experience as opposed to the external realities of the world. The experience is moved inwards in an attempt to make modernist works more representative of reality by making the experience more personal. The modernist era of literature is closely associated with the works of T.S. Eliot, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, among others. These three authors stand out because they have made use of unique literary tactics and devices which emphasize the inward turn of modernist literature. If you’re feeling lonely and you think there is nobody there to love, support, listen or show they care, just save this message and every time you read it, it will remind you that I’ll always be there with you.